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hit the books

mainly us and australian englishinformal

sandraielts 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



sandraielts 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

have a laugh

1. To joke or kid around; to act or behave in a lighthearted, foolish manner. Primarily heard in UK. Ah, don't be upset, we were only having a laugh!
2. To have a fun or enjoyable time or experience. Primarily heard in UK. I love hanging out with my old schooltime friends—we always have a laugh when we get together.

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hit the books

mainly us and australian english informal

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play it by ear

C2 to decide how to deal with a situation as it develops, rather than acting according to plans made earlier:

We can't make a decision yet. Let's just play it by ear.

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a bad apple

A person whose own words or actions negatively impacts an entire group of people. Taken from the proverb "a bad apple spoils the bunch." 

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@ 舌頭打結 tongue-tied.  
When he talks to someone he has a crush on, he becomes tongue-tied.
He was completely tongue-tied with rage.他氣得一句話也講不出來

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Are you a smartphone addict?


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@ 找麻煩 pick on
My boss always picks on me.

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Read this interesting article and let's discuss in class.

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@Have a sweet tooth
Although Jenny has a sweet tooth, she is very slim.

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@ 不要妄自菲薄 Don't sell yourself short.

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@ 挖角  poach/ headhunt
One of our top sales had been poached by our competitor.被挖角

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@Happy meal 麥當勞兒童餐

Many kids order the Happy Meal because they want the little toy that comes with it

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@ It's all Greek to me. 我一竅不通

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@ She is all thumbs. 笨手笨腳

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@ 對...又愛又恨  have a love-hate relationship

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@ There are plenty more fish in the sea 天涯何處無芳草

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