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To ensure everyone benefits from advances in technology, the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") has approved standards and passed regulations for digital wireless device use with hearing aids. In 2001, the FCC modified the exemption for wireless phones under the Hearing Aid Compatibility Act of 1988 in light of the rising number of wireless calls to emergency services and the growing trend among wireless carriers to move away from analog services in favor of more efficient and feature-rich digital services.

The FCC defines Hearing Aid Compatiblity (HAC) for cell phones in terms of two parameters; radio-frequency (RF) emissions and telecoil coupling. HAC-compliant device packages are marked with "M" or "T" ratings. The M-rating refers to the microphone mode. The T-rating refers to the telecoil mode. Only phones that meet HAC compliance will be labeled as such. If you see a "M3", "M4", "T3" or "T4" on the box then the phone has been designated as HAC compliant. Cell phones that comply with the FCC's hearing aid compatibility rule must receive a minimum rating of M3 for RF emissions and T3 for telecoil coupling.

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Xixi Bi Llandaff murder: Jordan Matthews jailed for life

A jealous man who murdered his girlfriend after getting "paranoid" about her being unfaithful to him has been jailed for at least 18 years.

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Dear Students,

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到英國打工遊學 每年一千名

和我國簽訂打工度假的國家又多一個,我國和英國簽訂「臺英青年交流計畫」,明年一月一日上路,雙方每年將提供各一千個名額,有意到英國打工遊學的青年,年齡限制在十八到三十歲,最長可停留二年。每年英國將提供一千個名額給十八到三十歲我國青年,有機會到英國學語文、 了解文化。

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