- Nov 14 Mon 2011 20:44
- Nov 11 Fri 2011 00:24
- Nov 10 Thu 2011 00:23
How to make graduate school worth the cost
- Oct 26 Wed 2011 15:06
iPhone 4 with SIMI
- Oct 21 Fri 2011 02:58
Tributes for Steve Jobs
Do the presentation on this one in our class!
- Oct 07 Fri 2011 15:52
Asian lonely hearts亞洲單身男女
Advanced reading:
- Oct 04 Tue 2011 01:02
Denmark introduces first food fat tax
Do you think this is the feasible solution to tackle the health problems?
- Oct 04 Tue 2011 00:48
到英國打工遊學 每年一千名
和我國簽訂打工度假的國家又多一個,我國和英國簽訂「臺英青年交流計畫」,明年一月一日上路,雙方每年將提供各一千個名額,有意到英國打工遊學的青年,年齡限制在十八到三十歲,最長可停留二年。每年英國將提供一千個名額給十八到三十歲我國青年,有機會到英國學語文、 了解文化。
- Sep 21 Wed 2011 19:00
Do I need to take a class to improve my TOEIC score?
For most students, studying with a teacher is better than studying at home alone. You might want to particularly think about taking a class if:
- Sep 15 Thu 2011 11:05
How to speak English fluently如何學好英文
Being able to speak a language is not related to how smart you are. Anyone can learn how to speak any language. This is a proven fact by everyone in the world. Everyone can speak at least one language. Whether you are intelligent, or lacking some brain power, you are able to speak one language.