

Why Millions of Chinese men are still staying single?




你們知道 “go to great lengths to,” "resort to ", "acute"  “eligible”  "put a greater emphasis on " "apply" 是什麼意思嗎?


贏得女性的芳心”, ”剩男”, “閃電約會”, “成家” "剩女" 反之亦然 "的英文又該怎麼說呢?



more than a quarter of Chinese men in their 30s will not have married.



why millions of chinese men are staying single?



The gender gap is a big problem in the Middle Kingdom – and its ‘leftover men’ are going to great lengths to find a wife.


The gender imbalance is making it hard for many men to find a partner – and the gap is likely to widen.


This financial burden on men is also making it harder for many women to find a partne


In 2015, a Chinese businessman in his 40s reportedly sued a Shanghai-based introductions agency for failing to find him a wife, having paid the company 7 million yuan ($1m) to conduct an extensive search.


In another case, a computer programmer from the southern city of Guangzhou bought 99 iPhones as part of an elaborate marriage proposal to his girlfriend. Unfortunately, he was turned down, with his humiliation exacerbated as photos of the event were widely shared across social media.


Online dating is growing fast in China, and messaging apps such as WeChat are increasingly popular ways of getting to know people.  


To avoid prying questions from inquisitive parents, some are even resorting to hiring “fake” girlfriends to present to their parents using apps such as Hire Me Plz. . Reports suggest hiring a girlfriend can cost up to 10,000 yuan ($1,450) a day.


The problems for men in finding a partner are most acute in poorer rural areas, made worse by long-held traditions that the husband must be able to offer a decent level of financial security before he can secure a wife.


But this financial burden on men is also making it harder for many women to find a partner. That adds to the issue, with large numbers of men, partly because of the financial costs of marriage, are opting to marry later. And when they do settle down they are often looking for younger women. Age gaps of 10 to 20 years or more are common in Chinese marriages.


"It's hard for women to find suitable men after they reach 32 years [old],” says Hong Yang. “Many eligible Chinese men want to marry younger and pretty girls.” Women, in turn, look for financial stability, which leans toward older men, experts say.


Of course, the reverse can also be true. Well-educated and financially independent women who remain single are called “unwanted girls”, says Heather Ma, who is married, in her 30s and living in Shanghai.


The shift in how people meet and how men woo partners, is, above all, putting a greater emphasis on love rather than on practical considerations such as financial security.


The parent trap

Parents are a big source of pressure to find a partner, pronto. And they’re ever-present, says Roger Zhou, 39, who is now married and lives in Suzhou.

“Parents think they are responsible to help their adult child start a family,” he says. “So they pressure their child to find a partner, go dating and to prepare for a wedding”.


she is in no rush to get married 


In China, just like the rest of the world, the universal rules of romance still apply.

The growing social problem of ‘leftover men’ is largely a result of China's one-child policy


 A long history of preference for sons led to large numbers of girls being abandoned, placed in orphanages, sex-selective abortions or even cases of female infanticide


Well-educated and financially independent women who remain single are called “unwanted girls”




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