看完我都想去玩極限運動了 哈哈

The biggest and most common  question that a beginner or trainee will ask is… How Safe is Skydiving?

When someone is preparing to go skydiving for the first time, without a doubt, one of the most common concerns they have is the the level of safety involved in skydiving. We can’t blame them – jumping out of a plane is something the seems pretty dangerous to most people. Heck, some people are even afraid to simply board an airplane that they know they will stay aboard for the entirety of their flight. If some people deem flying in general to be unsafe, there will be almost no convincing them to go up in a small plane meant for skydiving, never mind trying to convince them to jump out of it.

While we feel that anyone who is that uncomfortable with the idea of skydiving might be better off avoiding it, we also feel it necessary to address the actual safety of skydiving, and most people would probably be surprised to find out that they engage in more risky behavior than skydiving on a daily basis.



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