UK unemployment falls by 125,000 to 2.34 million  

The number of people out of work in the UK fell by 125,000 to 2.34 million in the three months to December


The unemployment rate now stands at 7.2%


193,000 more people were in work between October and December, compared to the previous three months.


There was a rise of just 0.2% in the number of employed workers over the quarter, the self-employed total grew by 4.1%.


The number of people claiming jobseeker's allowance fell by 27,600 in January to 1.22 million, its 15th consecutive monthly drop.


Youth and long-term unemployment have also fallen, but there has been little change in the number of people classed as economically inactive, which has remained just under nine million.


The number of people in part-time jobs now stands at 1.4 million, a fall of 29,000 over the latest quarter, but 46,000 higher than a year ago.


the number of self-employed workers increased by 172,000 to 4.37 million.




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