最近 Lala Land這部片火紅


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every kid needs a champion

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Ikea starts selling solar panels in UK stores


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take a chill pill 設法平靜下來  冷靜 平靜一點 放鬆一下

sandraielts 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

These mobile phone companies are a nightmare to deal with. They are a real pain in the neck 令人討厭的人 /


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a leopard doesn’t/can’t change its spots  江山易改本性難移


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In English, you say someone is a 'people person' when they are good at dealing with other people. They're helpful and have the ability to motivate people.

Jack is a people person. He gets along with everybody and would make a great manager

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