Water crisis


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Koh Tachai is a beautiful Thai island. Sandy beaches, blue sea, plenty of sunshine; paradise … and that's why you can't go there! It's part of the Similan National Park, which attracts too many holidaymakers and divers and this has been causing problems.

According to Tunya Netithammakul, Director General of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plants Conservation, "we have to close it to allow the rehabilitation of the environment both on the island and in the sea without being disturbed by tourism activities before the damage is beyond repair."

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The Five Highest Unemployment Rates In The World



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Xixi Bi Llandaff murder: Jordan Matthews jailed for life

A jealous man who murdered his girlfriend after getting "paranoid" about her being unfaithful to him has been jailed for at least 18 years.

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Food waste Part 1


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  • news

Free, digital news is threatening traditional newspapers around the world, so why do they survive and what is their future? Sophie and Neil discuss the pros and cons of news in print.


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Have a lot on my plate


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Meet the Twixters. They're not kids anymore, but they're not adults either. Why a new breed of young people won't — or can't — settle down


文章內還有哪些TASK1 的好用句型呢?

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are you a calling-oriented person?


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